4 Tips Old Mattress Removal Experts in Sydney Wants You to Know
For today, let’s talk about sleeping on an old mattress. How can you sleep well when your mattress has retired and your body craves a new one?
Here are 4 tips that old mattress removal in Sydney wants you to know:
1. Check your mattress’ warranty –
All good quality mattresses come with at least a warranty of 5 years. You must check the warranty period of your mattress. If it has passed the deadline, perhaps, it is time to buy a new one. Here is a healthy tip for you as well, many companies exchange old mattresses for new ones. Yes, you have to pay for the new mattress, but you are saved from the hassles of mattress removal in Sydney.
2. Notice if your muscles are stiff more than usual after waking up –
If this is the case, it is time for mattress disposal. With a new mattress, you will sleep well, feel better and regain your flexed muscles back instead of the stiff muscles with a sad body.
3. Don’t let the kids jump on the mattress –
One sure shot way to damage the longevity of your mattress is to let your kids (or you) jump on it for fun. Mattress removal experts in Sydney opine that jumping can damage the coils and other components of the mattress and reduce its life span.
4. Keep dust mites and allergens to the minimum –
Try to clean your mattress once in six months to minimize the possibility of dust mites and allergens finding space there. As per mattress disposal in Sydney, spraying baking soda 24 hours before vacuuming helps in the same.
Use the above tips to ensure a long life for your mattress. When you buy a new one, make sure to call the mattress removal service in Sydney.
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