Different ways of mattress disposal in Sydney

Mattress Disposal in Sydney

If your mattress becomes unusable and old, the question arises as to where and how you can recycle your mattress. The insides of the mattress contain many different materials and chemicals that are not conducive to a healthy environment. There are materials like formaldehyde, polyutherane, petroleum-based materials, and a whole lot of volatile compounds that spell harm to the environment.

If you have the intention of being eco-friendly, the best option is to go for mattress disposal in Sydney. If you sign up with mattress removal in Sydney, your mattress will be collected and taken to the recycling centre. There they will be put on a conveyor belt, where the top and bottom parts of the mattress will be cut away with special saws. This is to separate polyutherane foam and the cotton fibres.

Also, there will be metal pieces and springs that make up the mattress skeleton and these will be removed using magnets of high strength. After the cotton, polyutherane, and metal are separated and extracted, the rest of the mattress is shredded to bits. This whole process does not take more than a few minutes at professional bed disposal in Sydney. However, there are other alternatives that you can use for disposing of your old mattress.

Some of the options for mattress disposal for you are:

Craig’s List:  

They say one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. This saying is especially true for mattresses. Many people would be looking to buy an old mattress. 

Local government: 

There are many different local bodies as well as government initiatives that you can choose to dispose of your old mattress for recycling. Instead of dumping your old mattress in the street corner, you can choose to get it recycled.

Use your creativity: 

If, after searching, you still do not get a valid option for mattress recycling, then you can bank on your creative side to find ways in which you can reuse some of the materials that make up your mattress. The mattress foam can go towards your child’s school project, and you can even make small cushions and pillows from the cotton fibre.

Your intention regarding your old mattress will dictate how you choose to dispose of it. If you are environment conscious, as you should be, then mattress recycling is the way to go.


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