How to Go About a Mattress Recycle in Sydney

You may need to replace items in your home when it is worn, broken beyond repair, or you want to make some changes. One such item is your mattress. However, if you choose to discard the old mattress, it will add to the hundreds of thousands of mattresses already in the landfill. There are much better ways to deal with an old mattress. Consider Recycling Instead of throwing your old mattress away, you can opt for mattress recycle in Sydney . Recycling is the most environmentally friendly way of dealing with discarded items. There are two ways to recycle your old mattress: Call a Mattress Recycle Service – Most mattress recycling companies offer mattress pick up services in Sydney . These companies break the mattresses up. Some parts like latex and foam can be reused as underlining for carpets. The metal springs or coils are salvaged as scrap metal, and the wood can be used for particleboard. Go for a DIY Project – There are many creative ways an old mattress may be used in a ...